Removing factory paint/decal?
I've had luck using walthers Solvaset and special eraser. Regular pencil erasers are hit or miss (many just shred, not abrate), so you have to use more particular types.

You let the solvaset sit on the model for a little while, say half an hour. Just let it thoroughly soak in, don't skimp on the time.

[Image: P7010552.jpg]

I use this "Hi-Polymer Eraser", which does a better job than your average eraser.

[Image: P7010553.jpg]

You WILL RUB AWAY the rivets if you try to do this all the way. The best thing you can do is try to remove most of it, and then move in with dish cleaner. powdered dishwashing mix is abbrassive, and can be combined with water, and worked in with a tooth pick to get anything that is left around the rivets.

[Image: P6290518.jpg]

Once you have removed most of whats left, you can touch up any small bits with VERY SMALL DABS of paint that match the color of the caboose. if you dry brush it in VERY small amounts, it shouldn't harm the appearance of the model.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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