What Era, Railroads, & Locomotives are you set on?
Yes, my brother and I are just beginning to drywall the basement in his home. That layout will represent the same area, only better I hope, and the same era. My shelf layout is more than 1/2 complete. I hope to be operating by September.

Once we reach the end of our 1974 sessions, we will start over at 1965. If we represent a week in each year, that would be 840 sessions to complete the 10 year cycle! I wonder if we'll ever complete our representation of the entire ten year span. The most enjoyable part will be bringing in new motive power and retiring others as the years go by. Also freight cars and their relative frequency will change. Passenger trains will end rather abruptly. Finally, some of the structures will change, but I'm not sure just how much of that I can get into on the larger basement layout.


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