Posing A Question About THe Hobby
sgtcarl1 Wrote:Okay. Time for me to "chime in." So, if you don't like to read articles about a "contractor" built layout, fine. Just don't read them. Suppose I wanted a model railroad to enjoy. And suppose I wasn't physically able to build it, myself. Hypothetically speaking, some things aren't do-able to someone in a wheelchair. So suppose I hired someone to build the layout for me. But I ran the trains when it was completed. By some of the members of this illustrious forum I'm not actually a model railroader. I'm just a "wanna be." And because my hands aren't steady enough to build a kit, and have it look decent, does that mean I can't have any buildings on my layout, because I didn't build them myself? How many of you self righteous modelers manufacture your own track???
Really! I'm just a little miffed, no, make that peeved, about some attitudes that are displayed here on. I may just go elsewhere.

You seem to be addressing an entirely different issue - being physically handicapped. I'm married to a handicapped woman, so you might want to be very careful about transferring your "miffed" attitudes onto me. Shoot

You might also want to actually read the initial entry that started this discussion, the specific subject of which is whether or not a contractor-built layout should be a feature layout in a magazine allegedly aimed at hobbyists.

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