Watch out! Black & whites!
1976, Sept. Bellows Falls VT, CP 1278 and a string of coaches used for the "ride" at Steamtown.    
There's an "oh no , you didn't" tale to be told with this photo.
The train left Bellows Falls with the loco on the head end. at the end of the "line" the loco backed around the coaches, coupled up and backed down pulling the train back to Bellows Falls. When we arrived there, she uncoupled, and backed down to the tower to take on water. I hadn't seen a working 4-6-2 before that, so I headed back to the loco, asked if I could "take a look around around the cab", and was invited up. ( begin now, the telling of a tale of a lifetime )
After some conversation, including my interest in model trains, I jokingly said I'd love a chance to "drive one of these".
The engineer, gave the fireman "one of those winks", as he said "go ahead" :o :o :o
So ! after an incredulous " are you sure "!!?? I took up position in the engineers seat and.....after the brakeman gave us the go ahead, I opened the cylinder drain cocks, released the engine brake, put the Johnson bar in "forward", grabbed the whistle cord, and pulled two short blasts, and opened the ( front end , it was not an easy thing to move ) throttle. ( the bell was on a pneumatic ringer, the engineer got that ). As the loco began to move forward, I "heard this loud clank- - -it was the engineers jaw hitting the floor of the cab !"
Big Grin Big Grin He couldn't believe what he was seeing. When we were clear of the turnout, I closed the throttle,applied the brake and came to a stop, the brakeman climbed up on the back of the tender, and as I was about to step back, the engineer told me to "stop before the next turnout, at the head end of the coaches". I did that, took her through the turnout, and backed her to within three feet of the train. The engineer coupled her up, shook my hand as I left, and to this day I don't think he ever figured it all out. 8-) 8-)
It was the first, last, and only time I ever got to operate a full size steam locomotive! That memory is surpassed only by my marriage, and the births of my four daughters, and with any luck will remain with me to the very end.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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