Survey say's
Scale: HO. That is what was around the Christmas tree when I was a kid, what my dad had. I dabbled in N, I do own some O gauge tinplate, and a G scale for around the Christmas tree (because G is indestructible so my kids don't break it up like I did my dad's HO stuff!), but HO is and shall remain my primary scale.

Style of layout: I am currently building my layout. It is a single main track railroad, with a yard and a couple switching districts, with roundy-round capability because sometimes I like to just run trains.

DCC or DC: Currently using both so I can run what locos I have. I only own 4 DCC equipped locos out of about 30. The layout is wired for DCC though, so when I get the track all laid I will have to commit to DCC since there are no blocks to isolate DC locos that I am not running.

Sound or No sound: I own a Broadway E7 with sound, and an Atlas B23-7 with sound. They are impressive, but I do not see myself switching to sound for all locos. The only reason I own those 2 sounds equipped locos is because I got ridiculously good deals on them.


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