The Future of Model Trains?
Mr Fixit Wrote:You could also argue that Big Blue is a Model Railroad club of sorts albeit a virtual one thanks to the World Wide Web.
If you had said to people even as late as say 1995 that you talk to other modelers all over the world via home computer people would have thought you were crazy.
Now we share thoughts, ideas, techniques and photos/videos on a range of topics and in the various scales that is the broad church of model railroading, in much the same way that a real world club would at a monthly meeting.
In some ways we can have far greater level of involvement because unlike a real world club and the monthly meeting which maybe missed from time to time, Big Blue is open 24/7/365 so if a day or two are missed you can always catch up.

Mark, I like your comment. I've often said that the new technologies that we've enjoyed during the past 15-20 years (i.e. the internet, web forums, email, digital cameras, iPhones, even online auctions, web-based retailers, etc.) has not taken away from this hobby but has greatly added to it.

This has actually been the case for all of my interests & hobbies -- new technology doesn't make my hobbies weaker or less interesting, but does just the opposite!

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