One-Off 1:1 Scratch-Build
I see what your saying Bob as I can easily see the creasing of the side panels on both halves of the unit where the sub framing has been welded on to the sheeting, but it seems to be more than just that.

It seems to me that the blue side has received more coats of paint than the red side, possibly at the last primer and first top coat stage. It looks like the red side received a primer coat over the welding and seams areas, due to the extra stresses the paint will be under at those points, but that it missed out on one of the all over primer coats to help smooth out the overall surface. Possibly the same is also true for the red sub coats.

I am thinking that I might print a copy of the photo and show the painter at work as he has done industrial and automotive repair paint work at times.


I just realised what you meant by the patriotic colours comment Bob. If the reactor vessel is painted in white then the whole car will be Red, White and Blue for the U.S of A. If so I hope that they improve the paintwork on the red half of the car.

Given that we are just about to start July, I dont think it will be loaded by the 4th of July.
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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