Restoring an old friend, my Mantua Pacific
Four years ago I decided to close my business and move back to MN from WI. Thinking I wouldn't have room or money for a layout, I decided to work on this locomotive as a project. I went to and purchased a replacement motor, trailing truck, and basic detail kit. I figured I could rebuild this while I waited for a suitable area to build a new layout. Well, we rented a much bigger place with room for the layout I have now. The project was placed back in a box with the new parts waiting for me to get a round tuit!

Fast forward to a week ago when I decided to strip this baby in 91% alcohol. I soaked it for three days and only removed half the paint at best. Then yesterday I sat down and glued, glued, drilled, filed, and glued some more! The results so far are these.

[Image: Mantuarepair010.jpg]

[Image: Mantuarepair015.jpg]

[Image: Mantuarepair004.jpg]

The results aren't going to win any awards, but it's looking better already.

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