Restoring an old friend, my Mantua Pacific
Sorry Doc,
I'm not sure if I understand you right of positioning for the eccentric crans - however this can be my misunderstnding of English.
Please let me repeat this as I would say it.

- First turn the drivers so that the crank pins, epecially the main crank pin, are positioned at the most lover position (i.e. in a vertical line below of axles).
- Second, the eccentric crank must stand now slightly forward, so that the small end pin (where the eccentric rod is connected) stand exactly in one level with center of main driver.
- This adjustment must be done in same way for both sides of engine.
As sample click this drawing of a steam engine or here and look the main driver in center with position of the eccentric rod. Watch that the eccentric crank of opposite side is positioned equally in forward direction to cylinders (when crank pins stand in most lowered position).

I hope that I have released no additional misunderstanding with my description.

Corey, a fine model. I'm looking forward for pictures of the lettered engine!
Cheers, Bernd

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