C-130 Crash during forest fire air drop
From the recent headlines, many of you have read or have seen the story about the C-130 crash in South Dakota during a MAFFS fire fighting air drop that claimed the lives of four of the six man crew. I knew them well for they all were my friends. They all left grieving wives and heart broken kids. Thankfully, two crewmen survived but they are in critical condition at a hospital...and I continually pray they recover.

These men were all volunteers...they were not assigned to go, they went willingly. (Let that sink in for a moment.) They volunteered to fly to another state to help people they'd never meet, protect people they didn't know, and all in the hopes of saving lives, possessions, and property. They were highly trained, motivated, and exceptional people. They were members of the Air National Guard. They answered the call, and in this case, paid the ultimate price.

I will never forget their names or faces, stories and events we shared. I had flown many times with all but one of them. I hope you'll find the time to remember them in your prayers, and the other brave ones fighting the fires that are currently ravaging the west.

Lord, guard and guide the men who fly
Through the great spaces of the sky;
Be with them traversing the air
In darkening storms or sunshine fair

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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