Canadian National Anthem
So OK, I knew this couple visting from Ontario, who stopped off in Vegas on their way to LA. They went to a floor show -- the ads on TV, of course, have the ladies dancing in halter tops, but the in the actual show, they aren't wearing those. I guess they'd gone in expecting the halter tops to be there. Anyhow, when I see the couple, their eyes are still bugged out. They've never seen anything like it -- they don't know what to do. "We would NEVER have anything remotely like this anywhere in Canada," they said, voices still shaking. Well, I've never patronized such places, but I understand you can see strip shows across the river from Detroit in Windsor, and elsewhere, and from what I understood, you could get Vegas-style shows in Dawson, YT (assuming you can get to Dawson). So I just suggested, "Well, you know, from what I understand, Dawson is something like Vegas. . ."

"Oh, no," they answered. "The Mounties would never permit it."

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