Building a $500 Layout
True Track isn't bad if you're still not used to ballasting. My only caveats with it is that a shortline/branchline wouldn't have such well ballasted track with heavy rail. The way that I'll justify it on my layout is that the line formerly served a ship yard. You can decide what heavy industry your line once served. The other reason that I'm not crazy about true track is it doesn't look very realistic. A bit of weathering can make it work, however, so that problem is solved. True Track also has only 1 1/2 and 2 inch filler pieces. The track assortment is minimal. You could use True Track for the turnouts and snap track for the rest of the track.

The True Track does come with 22 inch radius curved turnouts (not on the menu for XTrackCad). If you weather the roadbed, it may work. I am curious to see how it goes if you do.

I'm going with straight Code 83 track only because I alredy have it.

If you feel more comfortable with True Track, by all means go with it. You can always add details later.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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