Model Train Production News
"Don't put you eggs in the same basket" they say... One can say produce everything here, another everything over there... I think it's a good old question of balance... Anyway, they put themselves in this crazy situation. I'm pretty sure Accurail is laughing its heart content at the actual situation!

Sumpter250 Wrote:How well I remember the days - when there wasn't all that much "availability" of model railroad products - or as I call it, the days of Model railroading, the days of scratch building just about everything. My now limited income, makes RTR, and even most kits, an "out-of-the-question" option. These are the days when, the things I had to learn as a young hobbyist, are now some of the most valuable resources that I have.

Well said, it's only when facing a crisis that an individual will develop its creativity and skills. Much more rewarding than buying everything impulsively. Anyway, I don't know of a modelrailroader that don't have shelves full of unbuild and unused stuff ready to get into the sun again.

Matt who forgot a long time ago about his delayed pre-orders! Icon_lol
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