Model Train Production News
I am not going to defend any company or business practice. I have watched my hometown/state get decimated by similar practices. Here is just something to think about...
Businesses are not in business to create a product or provide a service. Those are merely a vehicle, a means to an end. They are in business to make money. In order to make money they have to trim overhead costs. They also have to pander to a specific market, model railroading being our market. More specifically, they have to pander to the consumer. We, as consumers, demand more product for less money. For a company to retain their market share they have to provide what the consumer wants, and it is best to do so over a wide area. Bachmann does just that. They market TONS of products that appeal to many sub groups within our market group. In order for them to do that, they have to create reasonably priced decent quality models. If they have to ship production overseas to make a profit, then that is what they are going to do. Same thing with GM, Ford and Chrysler. There is no shortage of skilled workers in North America, but we demand a higher wage.
I am amazed at the number of people who buy everything RTR. I am not above buying RTR, but I like to build stuff. We are living in an instant gratification age. By and large the consumer group wants what they want, when they want it and it had better come out of the box ready to go.

Just my $.02
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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