So there I was... (III)
My ex and I had a 1992 Camaro RS. GOD was that thing cool. Red, T-Tops, just SWEET. Felt like driving a Nascar Late Model Stockcar. Built like a tank. Lived like Methuselah. She always drove my truck to work as I had a 1992 Chevy S-10 (No stinkin' Fords in that relationship!) she had a 27 mile commute to San Jose, I had a 5 mile commute to the West Oakland Yard. So, I always drove (and took IMMACULATE care of) the Camaro. 250,000 miles on it when we split up, and the only thing I ever changed on it was shocks, struts, tires and brakes. Shocks and struts only once. I had it in getting shocks and struts done at the local Winston Tires when up on the lift, it wouldn't start. Neds a new starter. (What a time and place for that to happen huh!) The manager said "No problem, I can get one across the street at Napa at cost. I'll put it in for $50. Done. While at it, I replaced the battery and had the kid working on it replace the serpentine belt too. I got rear ended on I-880 once in Union City. I was stopped for traffic, I got rammed by a 1983 Olds Cutlas (a BOAT of a car) at an estimated 35 mph. Wiped that suvver out. They had to remove the engine from the passengers lap to extract him from the car. He was broken up pretty bad (recovered though I'm sure). Of course, illegal aliens, no license, no insurance. Damage to the Camaro? paint scuffs (removed with some solvent at a buddies race car shop), a 3/8" slit in the bumper (vinyl bumper cover) at the mounting bracket (fixed by same racer buddy with some goop he used on his racecars that have nose and tail covers made out of the same material, kinda like a rubbermaid garbage can). Just a GREAT car.

When we split up, she had two kids. She let her (now ex) talk her into trading it in on, honest to God, a 2002 Honda Oddysey. I used to drive it once a month playing one of two designated drivers for her and Alicia's ladies wine club, driving sloshed broads home. Second biggest POS I have ever seen. I hate it. She hates it.

Everytime we are around each other (she's my current GF's best friend, has been since childhood), she and I start talking about how much we miss that Camaro. 35

Her son, now 8, is trying his best to talk her into getting one of the new "retro" Camaro's, he really likes them. We both told him at the exact same time, the exact same thing "Jason, it's not the same car!"

Me? I went from a 1992 Camaro to a 1992 Chrysler New Yorker Salon. My family and friends jokingly refer to it as the "G Ride" (for granny mobile). Laugh all you want folks, on a 4 hour road trip, you'd come to appreciate the creature comforts in it like I do!
Tom Carter
Railroad Training Services
Railroad Trainers & Consultants
Stockton, CA
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