Have any of you used the rust system made by Sophisticated Finishes sold by craft stores, like Michaels?
I have tried it and it works quite well except for one problem. The Paint itself ( black with iron powder in it I am thinking) was completely solidified in the bottle when I brought it home --took it back-- got another , it was still liquid , barely ,and turned solid a day after opening. I saw a U tube presentation on using this product and in that the presenter stated that once the bottle is opened -- its" pot life" is rather short. In as much as this kit is 18 bucks from Michaels and apparently is only good for one use --more or less--.I think this may not be a problem to Michaels ,as they sell this kit to treat fairly large iron projects or large art projects -- not planning on a modeler wanting to use it over a long period.
I am wondering how buying some powdered iron at a chemical supply store and mixing it a bit at a time into black paint would work? Perhaps if one used water based paint you would not even need to use the acid wash that is part of the process, tho the acid wash from the kit will outlast their paint by ages!
Another thing IF this iron powder idea will work -- how much risk is there in trying to buy iron powder , considering that IF you were to mix it with Aluminum powder it creates thermite -- perhaps buing EITHER of these materials will have MIB knocking on your door or worse, everybody you know doors.

Dave ( Sending this from a hidden location JIC)
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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