Reconditioning a Akane B&O EM-1....
Well now the hard part begins! The engine beds, and such, these can be the hardest part to re-finish on ANY locomotive, let alone a brass one!

So, with that said, I'll begin.

First up, The pilot:

[Image: BOEM-17600PilotRedetail000.jpg]

It was stripped of paint, the headlight casting, and then I removed the air glad hands from the pilot and added my own! I will be adding a better detail casting by Cal-Scale for the headlight as well (this is why its missing), as I have to order one for it. Also I had touch soldered the pilots cut lever to there mounts as well.


[Image: BOEM-17600PilotRedetail001.jpg]

The side of the pilot, showing a re-attached deck plate brace, and the handrailing resoldered for strength.


[Image: BOEM-17600PilotRedetail002.jpg]

Other side, showing strengthened handrailing.


[Image: BOEM-17600FrontEngineDrivers000.jpg]

Drivers removed, polished, and then all the rods polished and then re-assembled, (for fear of loosing parts), ready for painting.


[Image: BOEM-17600FrontEngineDrivers001.jpg]

Opposite side, same thing.


[Image: BOEM-17600FrontEngineDrivers002.jpg]

This shows driver treads, reconditioned, turned and then polished at high speed! Looks like brand new!


[Image: BOEM-17600RearEngine000.jpg]

[Image: BOEM-17600RearEngine001.jpg]

Rear engine set, to show for comparison to the above units. I still have the engine bed, and piping to strip paint from, and the cylinders as well. With a small amount of detail re-mounting, and possible added of more details, like lubricators, and more pipping, etc.....I'll be sure to get as many pictures as possible while work is being done over the holidays!

~John AKA "Yellowstone" OR "EM-1"

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