All change.... new start
Once some preparatory work was finished, including re-hanging the door to open outwards, work started on building the benchwork in July.

[Image: P1020318.jpg]

I was able to re-use a lot of the brackets and L-girders from my previous layout.

[Image: P1020321.jpg]

Battens and risers were added following a tried and tested method used on the last layout.

[Image: P1020352.jpg]

Now the room is full of a pristine ply surface fully supported at 50” high ready for laying track.

[Image: P1020373.jpg]

The route to staging has been "excavated" now as well.

[Image: P1020368.jpg]

Its late here now, so I will carry on tomorrow. I will try to keep you up to date as things progress.
Toe dipping over for now... the water feels fine..!!

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