All change.... new start
The next big decisions to be made were on track and points (turnouts). I had already decided that this would be a minimum radius would be 24” and #6 frogs.

The previous layout used Peco code 75 with electrofrogs. I did have a problem on a couple of turnouts over time with the tie-bar coming loose from the switch rail.
I had experience of using Peco Code 83 on a friend’s layout and it seemed to be a good choice, as it is easily available in UK. There is a problem that there is a restricted range compared to what I was used to in Peco code 75 but it does look like US track not British, but the restricted geometry did mean that it didn’t meet the track plan requirements.

I ordered an Atlas Code 83 19 degree crossing to see how it would marry up to the Peco track and turnouts. I was so disappointed when it arrived. So much plastic, so little rail.!! I set up a test bit of track with Atlas crossing and Peco turnouts to replicate one the areas. I ran some of my newly acquired freight cars through the crossing to see how they ran.

[Image: P1020378.jpg]

[Image: P1020380.jpg]

Clunk clunk was all I heard as the wheels dropped in the frogs of the Atlas crossing. I knew that this wasn’t something I was going to be able to live with so I had to think of another solution.

I liked the idea of using ME track and turnouts, but limited availability and lack of crossings made this less of an attractive proposition. I spoke to friends who had used ME turnouts and they told me about cast frogs and problems they had had with them.

Only one thing for it – make my own!

Fast Tracks seemed the obvious solution but the limited number of turnouts needed meant it would be a huge outlay for the jigs and mean the cost per point was excessive. Also it did not answer the question of the crossing. I search the internet and found a supplier on eBay that sold turnouts he had made using Fast Tracks jigs. The prices were reasonable ($29.00) even compared to Peco turnouts in this country ($24.00 approx) and he could make a 19 degree crossing to match in code 70. I ordered a left and right #6 turnouts and a crossing all in code 70 to see what the quality was like. I was very pleased with the quality when the items arrived.

[Image: P1020381.jpg] [Image: P1020383.jpg]

The rest of the turnouts and the two extra crossings needed to build the latest version of the track plan have been ordered and I've been told they will be ready for shipping shortly.
The plain track will be Micro-Engineering code 70 to match the handbuilt turnouts.

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