Superstorm Sandy
Our local news this morning showed Nation Guard planes being loaded with trucks and equipment from Arizona Public Service to be dispatched to Long Island to help repair the electrical infrastructure. They said that there would be 20 plane loads heading there today. I hope this is happening all over the country.. Thumbsup

We here on this side of the country can't really comprehend the damage and chaos that this storm has caused, we can only view the pictures and shake our heads. Nope

One thing that bothered me is that one of our local stations sent a reporter and crew to the east coast prior to the storm hitting, and we get the usual pictures of him holding a microphone standing in two feet of water and being blown down the street by the wind. Doesn't everyone back there have enough to deal with without having more people like that needlessly risking having to be rescued and diverting efforts from those that really are in need? Food, gas, lodging has to be at a premium, now there are probably thousands of extra news people there to take up some of these much needed commodities. I wonder just how they would feel if they were occupying a hotel room that a family that just lost their home needed for some shelter, or to use up a few tanks of gas to travel around the area, that someone else would need to go find groceries for their family or to get to work? Sorry, it just frosts me when I see stuff like that, we don't need all these extra and duplicate reports just to satisfy the egos of a manager of a TV station. Curse
Don (ezdays) Day
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