Superstorm Sandy
Natural disasters bring out all the best and worst of people unforunately. We experienced many of these things just a few years ago during the Black Saturday Bushfires 7 February 2009 which killed 173 people and injured 414.

Trying to sign up non union electrical workers from out of state who have come to help reinstate power after a disaster is just plain wrong. Those union officials should hang their heads in shame, as should that mayor who accused power workers of looking after rich suburbs first. The people who pelted line workers with rotten food following the mayors comments should know better, but I suspect it is partly a wounded animal type reaction in a time of extreme stress.
I am surprised that the National Guard has not been called in to assist with law and order as well as to provide food, shelter and fuel.

One thing that struck me was reading yesterday how USS Enterprise is being de-commissioned down in Norfolk, surely it wouldnt be too hard to sail her up and use that Nuclear power plant to provide power, fresh water as well as feeding 5000 people per meal time, hospital facilities and so on. No doubt there are also other warships that could provide facilities as well but Enterprise would be eye catching to say the least and a great finale to its career

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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