Trainroom Cleanup
if the spirit moves me, I may attempt to organize a bit this long weekend......

I Always put tools back where they belong, since i don't want to look for 50 minutes for something I need. My issue is I have the "Look it's Shiny" disease too... I can do 6 things at once and still accomplish NOTHING!!! Eek Goldth Goldth Goldth

My other issue is the 7 bins of various parts that are scattered around the room Nope Nope

I almost can never find what I'm looking for.. Sad The present thorn in my side, is the Dremel tool I bought at the beginning of the Summer. I put it where I'll be able to find it.... You guessed it!! I hid it so good that i CAN'T find it!!!! Shoot Wallbang Wallbang

So, that is my motivation for cleaning, It's a search and recover mission! Smile When found - it will begin "living" on the peg board in plain sight!!!!! Goldth
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
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~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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