Trainroom Cleanup
yellowlynn Wrote:Ralph, put a bit more sawdust on the floor, spread a half dozen gallon paint cans round, and you'll be closer to mine. As far as finding things, fellas, get used to it; itnever gets better. I look and look, then wifey picks it up directly where i'm looking and hands it to me. It's kind of a regular thing for both of us.

Lynn 35

That happens to me as well....
A few days back I'm looking high and low for my tape measure, which has its designated storage spot...but is NEVER there. So I give up looking for it and sit down at the work bench, cursing my fate...until I happen to look down...There, within a few inches from my hands sits the #@#& tape....Right in the middle of an uncluttered spot on the bench....!!!! Curse
Gus (LC&P).

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