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nachoman Wrote:
ezdays Wrote:Wow, someday they'll invent a small, hand-held, device you carry around and can actually talk to someone. You would think they'd have that by now, but all I see are kids walking along and pushing buttons on something in their hand. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: Can you imagine, running Firefox, IE9 and Win8 on those devices, watching TV and movies and not be able to talk to anyone because they're phones that are bigger than then an old CRT television set. 357 357

LOL, Don. Try being a single guy right now and meeting a nice young lady, who complains she can't figure out how to contact me because I don't have a "phone". I explained to her that I have a phone at my house, and one at my desk at work. But, she didn't understand, because to her, a phone was something you "text" on, and not "talk" on. Needless to say, that relationship went nowhere.

Yup, both my sons says not to call the house anymore. One no longer has a landline, the other says that the handset is somewhere in the house, but they don't know where. Nope Everyone has a cell phone that they can talk without saying a word. Yeah, I have a few as well, I took about four of them out of the drawer to see if their batteries were still charged.... They weren't. Confusedhock: They are so old that they probably would have to run on Dos 6.0 for an OS, and Netscape 1.0 for Internet access. 357 357
Don (ezdays) Day
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