And it begins...
torikoos Wrote:Wow, I'm very jealous of the large spaces some of you have available for a layout. Here in the UK, housing and gardens etc are quite a bit smaller in general, and space is at a premium. Hence small switching layouts, and fiddle yard concepts are very much common here. Large layouts (usually modular) are only possible in club or exhibition settings , there's exceptions of course.
Anyway, looking forward what you'll make of it here. Do you have a trackplan already?


I don't have a track plan as of yet,but on do plan on using Atlas Supertrack code 83 and #6 switches through out.Unfortunately the "Super track" has only # 6 switches.I chose this track because of the prototypical look to it,unlike other Atlas track,plus i'm on a budjet,so Peco was out of the question,although i would have prefered it.I can get the Atlas switch's for $13.50 a piece.
Don Shriner

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