Issue with NCE Decoders
Thank you for your reply and advice. I checked all the electrical connections and they look fine. I have an NCE Powercab at home (love it!). I have tried having only one locomotive on the track and then several and all five, but there is no change in the NCE decoders' behavior. It is so bizarre only the NCE decoders are acting up. The other DCC decoders are not having any issues. I am beginning to think that somehow the NCE decoders were fried/damaged. I can read the decoder and change the CV's on the program track, but it won't respond when on the "main." I am going to try the locos with the NCE decoders out at the club I belong to and see how they behave on the club layout. (We have NCE power out there). If they operate normally, then it is my throttle that is having issues. It feels like a Monday!

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