Ongoing car advice
I'd ditch the Subaru - nice cars, but costly to repair. You're possibly looking at a rebuilt engine, although the "cylinders leaking oil" sounds like an odd way to say "needs rings". That could be the cause of the rough running, as it can foul the spark plugs. If it's bad, you should have blue smoke at the tailpipe, especially on shifts, and it can gum-up your catalytic converter, too.

As for the Honda, 140,000 miles is barely broken in, at least for the engine. Bodies can be pretty crappy, though. I had an '85 with well over 200,000 on it when the timing belt (nowhere near it's replacement time) broke. The rebuild for that particular engine with a broken timing belt usually involves pistons, valves and often the head, too. The body was pretty bad, so we simply scrapped it. My daughter had an '86 1500S and it had well over 400,000 on it when the body gave up.


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