A Challenge: Designing A new modular layout section
Time for a little update.

I've now painted the silos a basic 'steel' colour, and the rest will be done with a paint brush, painting some of the details a different colour to give it a bit more interest, and then weathering it down to lose the shine and make it look like it had a busy life.

I've also started scratch building a rail served warehouse, as I couldn't find a suitable commercial kit that would fit this space, or had bits to kit bash something for the area.It also has a difficult shape so I had to scratch build. It's starting take shape, but still loads to do.


The Silos:
[Image: 8387557826_c1447d2a26_z.jpg]
Silo repainted by K2K Koos, on Flickr

The Warehouse:

[Image: 8386436739_aacaee907a_z.jpg]
Scratch build warehouse by K2K Koos, on Flickr
Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->

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