Weekly Photo Fun 1'23 - 1/29/15
Catt Wrote:Green_Elite_Cab said,
Quote:B&O royal blue might be better, but that means stripping this shell and starting over! Any advice, or am I out of luck?

Why strip and repaint? Seems a couple thin coats over whats already there would be a better deal.Or maybe adding some black to the colour you already have (test on something first).

I suppose I was nervous that the paint would get too thick.

The whole paint situation bugs me, because I just took the bottle label at face value, something I rarely do, and I got burned for it! Perhaps Tru-color's "C&O / B&O Blue" represents some other paint scheme, because its way to bright for most engines I've seen with that paint, even without weathering.

After testing the B&O royal blue and finding that it wasn't quite right either (too purple), I settled on the color I had originally planned to paint it before the Tru color paints ever came out, Polly Scale C&O enchantment blue.

Sure enough, the color came out just about fine. I think some crystal coat or gloss coat might bring out the darker blue, and this can be weathered later over top of it.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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