tetter's Duff Challange
Good morning,

On Tuesday evening I purchased some 1x2 strapping, some screws, and two 4'x8' sheets of hard board, which Lowes gracious ripped into four 2'x8' strips. The Challenge is to replace my entire back drop from end to end, round the corners and eventually box in the entire layout with a "ceiling" and valance at the front. Eventually I will get around to installing LED lighting strips to light the layout and create a box for the scenery.

In the beginning I was never happy with what I had. It was a half-fast attempt to have a blue sky background. As I've progressed, I've decided I need to have a better backdrop and at the end of the day I'd like to have a more finished look to how the layout is presented. I also decided that I don't want to do all kinds of secenry work and have people distracted by the bare ceiling joists, and less then foot of cinder block wall above the backdrop. I'll be modeling mountians and rock walls, so people will naturally look up!

I'll take some pictures tonight when I get started, but this is me officially throwing my hat into the ring.

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