E-paw's duff challenge for 2013
I haven't yet tried these rivets, but I have seen the result of their use, and it is excellent !!!
The only caution is, be careful handling the model once the rivets are in place, they are easily broken off. Things are better once the model is painted.
I went back to your original thread on the building of these locos, and I am truly impressed by how much impressive work you have already put into them ! Thumbsup Thumbsup I have tried some minor resin casting, and never liked the results. The details you've made are inspiring a revisit to resin casting, after a little more "education" on the process. ( yes, the secret to good castings, is perfect masters, well made molds, and patience. The first. I am basically capable of. The second ? I can learn, The third? Icon_lol m a y be )
I can also see the impending critical need for me to purchase and learn how to use two new tools: A Rivet punch, and a Resistance solderer. The resistance solderer being the most needed. Iron, and torch soldering are fine for some very small detail parts, but the major assemblies?, especially after details are applied to them? OK wet tissue "heat sinks" are good, but not perfect. The rivet tool? I think I'll wait until I have played with the "rivet/decal" process.
Finally: One excellent model is amazing. Two, excellent identical models? That's mind blowing !! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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