tetters' Duff Challenge part duex
Sweet Mother of Pearl!

I have a new found respect for you gents who make and install your own brass grab irons. I just finished the grabs on one car and realized that one a night is probably going to be my limit for these. I also got a little ahead of myself, as according to the instructions I am supposed to do the under body details first. Ah well. I have five more to correct that mistake on. However, that said there is something to be said about following instructions to the letter. I can see the benefits of installing the grabs before cementing the body parts together. Being able to apply the CA from the reverse side is a lot easier and cleaner looking. Still this didn't turn out too bad. I can also see why Tichy gives you a healthy bunch of extra grabs. I bent a couple of them when trying to install them. Which brings me to another point. Finding a drill bit as small as 0.0145 was bit of a problem. So I improvised and used a small piece of 0.015 music wire. Turns out when measured in my calipers it comes out to 0.014. I cut about a inch piece and cut an angle on the tip using wire cutters. Makes for a handy drill bit in a pinch. Plus there is the added bonus that the music wire flexes a bit, however after drilling a couple dozen or so holes the "bit" eventually bends where it is clamped in my pin vise. No worries, I have plenty of music wire to make into drill bits.

[Image: SAM_1177_zps07563e16.jpg]

I used a piece of strip wood to keep the spacing consistent on the ladders. I think its pretty close at about a scale 6" from the side of the car. I am hesitant to try and make the grabs tighter to the body. However any hints or tips to help me along would be appreciated.

Thanks for looking.

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