tetters' Duff Challenge part duex
Thank you Micheal, a sewing needle is a great idea for a center punch.

Well I got the B end details and doors on one of the cars tonight. Whew. Just five more to go! :?

[Image: SAM_1180_zps00332a5a.jpg]

Here it is on the supports. A good amount of little bits to glue on here.

[Image: SAM_1182_zpsc64c1113.jpg]

I then decided to take another pic of it just resting on its trucks. So I haven't attached them yet.

I fixed the doors in place. I don't see any reason as to why I'd want to open and close them (maybe photos but not for me). The model seems to delicate for that to me as well.

So now I'll set this aside until I get the details installed on the others... which will probably take me the better part of a couple weeks. Then its on to the paint booth!

Thanks for looking and please let me know what you think!

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