Big Blue NASCAR 2013 Racin'!!!!
teejay Wrote:So-Ho-Ho ......anyone have the lovely Danica in the pool ?? Not me ! Front row DANICA ? Just doesn't have a ring to it . Nope


I bet a lot of the old NASCAR drivers that's passed on are flipping over in their graves..

Of course they're still flopping over how big business is running the show.

That started out to be a man's sport on 1/4 mile dirt tracks,no windshields( the windshield got covered in dust),no,door glass,no roll bar,no safety equipment other then a motorcycle helmet.

When you wrecked you rebuilt your car or bought another used car.

No corporate sponsors--if you was lucky the local garage,auto part store,filling station or junk yard would buy or furnish a part for a spot on your car for a race-the driver would hand paint the name and remove it before the next race unless they paid again.

NASCAR put a stop to that for a short time since it gave some drivers a unfair advantage(new tires,parts etc)

Of course those was the rough and tough years when the promoter of the race may take off with the gate receipts and in turn the prize money. Shoot

Summerset Ry

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