Woodland Scenics Field Grass Question
I like Andrew's method better than mine, but I will share it anyways.
I use Hemostats. You can find Hemos at Radio Shack, a well stocked LHS, medical supply stores, and sometimes in the first aid aisle of a pharmacy. They are also available at "Head Shops."
I place a small bundle into the jaws of the hemostats. I keep the portion of the grass that I am working with inside the curved portion of the jaws and cut from the bottom, over something like Josh mentioned. Once they are cut to the desired length I use a dab of "Goo" which is available at most craft stores, even in the craft aisle at wal-mart. I then place the cut end into the glue and hold it for a minute or two.
The trick is opening the hemostats without removing the grass from the glue. It will require 2 steady hands.
If you don't mind losing some of the grass, you can take it out of the hemostats after cutting, and pinch them in your fingers.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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