59th and Rust
Brakie Wrote:Being a former brakeman I see a major safety hazard that would get a MOW foreman in hot water and maybe a unpaid vacation..

The stack of rails is to close to the rail and in the work zone where the switchman would be working and at night with nothing more then your Starbrite lantern you may not see the rails when you swing off a car,trip over the rail,and under the car you go or you could get knock off the car's stirrup and end up injured..Its that easy..

No big thing..Its a common mistake modelers make.

Being a former trainman myself, it never occurred to me that the railroad made a concerted effort to keep the "working area" around the railhead clear. Makes sense, I just never thought of it. I'll make sure to pay attention to that when I begin scenicking the layout.

By the way this is now one of my favorite small layouts ever. I love the urban feel, exactly how I want my layout to feel.


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