modelsof1900's 2013 Duff Challenge
A few time is gone and after a short hesitation I have started to my plastic age. From this I should generate car models now?

[Image: whiteswan_022k.jpg]

First step is a simple one - floor plates without fixing to bodies.

[Image: whiteswan_023k.jpg]

My friend suggested to build boxes in order to get an accurate to measurement and angular base for the models - which must be covered only with the preformed wood-shaped thinner plastic at end.

[Image: whiteswan_024k.jpg]

One of these blocks that looks more like an open box - already filled with lead for the correct weight of model.

[Image: whiteswan_025k.jpg]

My most important working tool for exact and angular grinding of parts and whole blocks.

[Image: whiteswan_027k.jpg]

[Image: whiteswan_026k.jpg]

Cover plates for the roof, very exact inserted into the open boxes and each with a different edge for a clear assignment of boxes to roofs. (I need the boxes in an open condition for next times until I have secured steps and grab irons from inside.)

[Image: whiteswan_028k.jpg]

[Image: whiteswan_029k.jpg]

And now - I hope that you can recognize that these could be railroad cars in the future?

[Image: whiteswan_030k.jpg]
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.

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