Anyone using Windows 8 ?
I'm an Apple-user with a few Windows-PC machines sitting around the house for the kids to use on occasion, as we slowly make the transition to all-Apple products...and I don't have the new Windows 8 on any of my machines. Instead, we have the wildly successful and beloved Windows Vista to contend with.

But from what I've read from a computer-savy friend of mine using Windows 8 and a new laptop, he's had significant problems with the email services he had used prior to the upgrade to 8. I think he's almost got it figured out...but not without considerable effort and frustration. (Something about Pop3 operability from third-party email providers on the Windows 8 platform.) I also think like so many others, he sees Windows 8 as a lot of eye-candy but not much more.

Although I plan on having one Windows-pc computer here at home to use (in case the kids need a school program that's only Windows-friendly to run)...I'm not going to replace our XP and Vista running machines until two or three software updates for Windows 8 are released. Maybe by then the tech guys will have the bugs worked out and place some good fixes to help 8 run with other programs.

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Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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