EZ's 2013 duff challenge part 2
Well, I'm in the home stretch and find I have hit an impasse. I've been working with only the materials that I have on hand, just to make my challenge a bit more.... uh, challenging. Icon_lol I had one piece of 1/8" clear Plexiglas to work with to use as windows on my doors, and so I had to make each door with three panes rather than one because of the size of the panel. Now this sheet of plastic is at least six years old, probably more like eight, Confusedhock: and after about a year, the paper is almost impossible to get off. With new stuff, the protection paper comes of in large pieces, but the older it is, the smaller the pieces, so I came up with a solution. Icon_idea I soaked the paper in "Goo-Gone", then used a razor-edged scraper to peel the paper away. It came off easy and looked fine... that is until I cleaned off the residue glue, then I realized that the edges of he scraper were digging into the plastic leaving some pretty deep scratches. Curse I tried several ways to polish these scratches out, but all I've managed to do is to mess them up even more. Here is a shot of what they look like, some are worse than this one:

And here's what I have left to work with. I can make four more windows, but I need six, and I'm not even sure I can get the paper off without damaging the plastic. I have a few options that I'm going to try tomorrow, so I'll let you know, but in the meantime, I'm kind of screwed for now.... :evil:
Don (ezdays) Day
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