Working HO Air Hoses
When I first saw this thread I thought that someone was playing an April Fool's Day Joke, then I looked at the website date and it was still March 31, [its that whole International Dateline thingy in the middle of the Pacific] so its no joke, and then I checked out the links.

I think that the Kadee coupler experience is a good guide as to the acceptance of this product.

Actually, $25 for 10 pairs works out at $2.50/pair or $1.25 ea. and when you consider that a freight car from Walthers can cost $40 to $50 here in Oz, then the extra 5% is marginal. However the sums dont work out so favourable for my cheaper freight cars and locos.

I guess it comes down to the individual, and their layout. Just how important to you is the extra detailing of self coupling air hoses?

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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