EZ's 2013 duff challenge part 2
Progress, yup, got some work done, just nothing that would warrant any pics. I thought the best idea for removing the paper from the plexi was the plastic razor blades. I searched in the Net and found them on eBay and a few other sites, but nothing at Home Depot or Lowe's. Just happen to think of it while we were near an Ace Hardware, and figured they'd think I was hit by one too many pitches, 35 but I asked, and I'll be..... they had them. $1.49 for five blades and a holder. So far things are working out, soaking the paper in Goo-Gone first helps a lot. I've got most of the paper off of four new panes using the plastic blades, and will deal with the stubborn areas tomorrow. Thanks for that suggestion David, it works without leaving sratches. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Meanwhile, I've finished the doors. They're stained and ready to accept the glass, so with some luck, I should have four good panes installed, and two with a few deep scratches in them. I can experiment a bit and may even try to flame polish them a bit. Hey, I can't do any more damage can I now???? 357
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