"New modules"
So ! I started the "mocking-up" process. A 24" X 48" frame, with a sheet of 1/4" chip board ( 2' X4' ), set in place behind the center module, with the skyboard removed.
I'll continue the stone quay wall ( left side ) straight back, past where the two tracks cross the river, and I'm thinking that there is enough space there to put in a "marine railway", where I can "haul out" a schooner, or smaller sail craft, for hull maintenance.
This schooner, would just fit in the space:
or, this sloop.
I've set in part of a previous bridge build, where I will need to have some form of bridge ( I'm debating either a vertical lift, or possibly a Swing Bridge ).
The "water" will widen out to the right side back corner.

The front left corner of the "backtable" will extend the "green" area back to where the standard and narrow gauge track will run ( about 3.5" ), and be filled with trees, or whatever to hide the point ( hole in the skyboard ) where those tracks "enter the scene". behind the tracks will be the "marine railway", and some "outbuildings". I'm still thinking about what will go on the right side behind the boathouse, and the willow tree. There's a road that passes the front of the house, which will probably curve to the right to follow the river bank. That, will require some slight modification to the front module.
This project will be in the "O K I wonder what this would look like" stage of playing with scenes/structures, for some time yet. The middle module's "water" is painted, 1/4" plywood. I can get a better finish on the plywood than on the chip board, so the first "construction" will have to be the water surface ( AKA purchasing, sanding, and painting, the plywood sheet ).
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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