I've Got the MRR Blahs !
The thing to remember is it's a hobby not a race, doesn't matter how long it takes. As long as whatever project I'm working on comes out the way I want it when it's done I'm happy, better slow and right then fast and screwed up. A lot of this hobby is visual and therefor creative, a 3D art form if you will, and you can't force creativity. If you don't feel it get the h*ll out of the train room and go back when you do feel it. If it is only half done when you die but that half is what you wanted then great! If the whole layout is done when you die but it is seriously screwed up people will be standing over your coffin looking down at you and saying things like:
1- He really needed to find a hobby he could handle
2- Why did he stay in a hobby that he really sucked at?
3- Maybe if he had just taken lessons
4- If only he had understood that less is more
5- What the h*ll was he thinking?

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