Anyone using Windows 8 ?
So I pick up my new Acer with Win 8 ...nice big screen . I bought " Windows 8 for Dummies " which seemed appropriate Goldth .

BUT THEN , I bought a router so my wife could use it upstairs in the living room ( she has trouble wirh stairs ) ...and computer nerd geek says " It's easy to install , just connect a couple of wires " .....uh , huh . Note to self , when computer geek says it's easy , watch out !

Now , boys and girls , the YELLOW wire connects my modem to my computer ....probably universal . In the router kit is a blue ether net wire ........on the BACK of the router is a YELLOW slot and a BLUE slot .....are you with me so far ?? Now in the destructions , you plug the YELLOW wire into the BLUE slot Eek and the BLUE wire into the YELLOW slot .....I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP !!!! No wonder the world is going to Hell in a Hand Basket .....that's computer geek logic I guess .

...and after hooking up all the other stuff ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS guessed it , the router doesn't work Wallbang
....and yes I tried the yellow to yellow , blue to blue already ....still no dice .
To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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