Scenario Card Experiment!
It occurs to me that I haven't told you that this thread will actually document my first use of this system! I've done the prep work but haven't tried it out yet. You get to come along with me as I find out whether this works well, and most importantly, whether it's fun! Goldth

I've cleared off the layout. West Mill looks like a ghost town....
[Image: 003-11_zps273d27be.jpg]

All of my rolling stock is stored on the "rolling staging yard"....
[Image: 005-15_zpsfb16e6cb.jpg]

I think I'm ready. So, starting this weekend I'll draw a playing card which will determine how many businesses/destinations I will serve. Then I'll draw that number of Scenario cards. If I happen to draw two for the same industry I'll put the second one back in the deck and keep drawing until I have enough individual scenario cards to match the number of the playing card.

Once I have the information from my customers or consignees I can start making decisions about which trains to make up to serve them. I'm looking forward to this part of the game; being handed requests and having to figure out how to most efficiently meet them. Once I organize my trains I'll write out switch lists to follow as the locals do their work.

Scenario cards are an old idea and certainly low tech in today's world. Part of the experiment will be to see if I like shuffling the paperwork involved. It will take more time than pushing a computer key to generate a switch list or train order. Smile

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