All change.... new start
Layout update April / May

It’s that time again, to update you on the progress with the layout.

All the turnouts have been completed ready for track laying. Once all the details were added they were ready for painting. I used masking tape as a base for the turnouts and then gave them a spray coat of grey primer. Once that had dried I used a wash of thinned Burnt Umber oil paint to ‘stain’ the ties.

After a quick rub with the track rubber to remove the paint from the rail surface it was time to mask of the painted ties so that the rails could be spray painted. This was a tedious process, particularly around the frogs, involving lots of little ‘pointy’ pieces of masking tape.

[Image: 3e4346ac-8235-4a7f-b7c6-59d15a8b1c1c_zpsbe8b0818.jpg]

When everything was stuck down the turnouts were sprayed with a rail brown.

[Image: 40308b15-253c-4fe1-9e14-13bd800fb409_zps38875130.jpg]

The completed turnouts were dried using a hairdryer before the masking tape was peeled off to reveal the completed painted turnout. I find that's always a pleasing moment.

[Image: c4c5a2af-0e5f-40f8-bb9d-24b2536e4dd0_zps5340f61c.jpg]

The bottom layer of masking was taken off.

[Image: e2750ddc-7ea9-4dff-8c21-029dcadfc8c5_zps5c6ea9da.jpg]

Then the tops of the rails were cleaned again to complete the process.

[Image: 937adacf-2690-4107-a0a3-9b2b767bfeaa_zps08ed06c9.jpg]

This process was repeated for all the rest of the turnouts.

[Image: 5621c7df-0fa3-471c-972b-3b842f727bb4_zps2e8c9d46.jpg]

The double crossing complex has been completed and track laying has started. The routes from staging to the peninsula and the logistics industry have been laid and wired.

[Image: a6a2d686-7380-4346-be83-8a3d8c8f6028_zpse0a4e69c.jpg]

Here is a YouTube video link showing the latest to the loco fleet, UPY GP15, traversing the new trackwork.
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Work is continuing on at a pace to complete the rest of the track laying and getting the point control installed as well.

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