Keeping the Brain Cells Active
Mr. Spock and Mikey have it correct. With the books on the shelf as described, the front binding of Volume 1 is immediately adjacent to the back binding of Volume 2

cid Wrote:Old Favorite:

If a hen and a half lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many eggs will six hens lay in six days?


My grandmother used to cite that one somewhat differently:

If a hen-and-a-half could lay an-egg-and-a-half in a day-and-a-half, how long would it take a rooster, sittin' on a doorknob, to hatch-out a hardware store?

This one actually is a riddle, but it's extremely difficult. I'll leave it here for a little while, and after three people have given-up, I'll reveal the answer.

Here's another one from that old book:

A circular pool, 25 feet in diameter, has a remarkable lily in its centre. This lily grows by doubling its area each day. At the end of thirty days, the lily exactly covers the pool. In how many days does this lily cover half the pool's area?

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