Lest We Forget...Again
I grew up during the war and can still remember thinking that it would be a great day when the newspaper headlines were about something other than the fighting. Or going to the Saturday matinee as wishing the "Movietone News" didn't have pictures of the war. I remember seeing a shot of my uncle aboard a ship in one of those newsreels. He did make it through to the end and came home to his family, but many others were not so lucky. The D-Day invasion was just a blur, just another headline in the news. Many kids my age could not comprehend what went on there. When we got to high school, there was a lot of space in the history books about the war, I'm guessing that today history books don't have but a few paragraphs dedicated to it.

I was watching a news story the other day where they were interviewing someone that wrote a book about the dark side of D-Day. He talked about how our soldiers treated the French, mostly the women, as they occupied the towns along the way. I thought it was totally unfair given what these troops were going through. The French wanted to make accommodations for these men, but the allied command would not have a part of it and made them shut these houses down.

I really don't care, these men won the war and they all deserve to be called heroes. I remember the ticker-tape parades greeting the troops as they came home, everyone was showing their appreciation for what they had done, and I'll bet everyone that remembers, will still honor these men on this day, just as everyone should.
Don (ezdays) Day
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