An Eastern Car Works Passenger Car
Icon_lol Thanks for sharing your pictures, Gary.

They look like the same tooling. The windows appear to be slightly too high on the side. I'm looking at the Builder's photo of the Manhatten Island and there are a few details which are off. But! $10 or so for an appx correct model is better than $60 for a dead on model in my book. Especially since yours were pre-painted. I'm currently leaning towards kitbashing mine (but the tender will probably need repainted as well). I'm really excited about the prospect of detailing the interior of the 20th century limited. I absolutely love the interior of the Club-Lounge-Dormitory cars (the Inn series). The Islands were pretty spiffy as well.

Yep, the trucks on your Baggage-Mail look like the standard ECW version...they should actually be 6-wheel trucks (same thing with the diners). Oh well. It's cheaper to buy one of them and find the trucks than to buy one of the new $64 Walther's versions of the Baggage-Mail and repaint it (same thing with the recycled 4-4-2s & such of the '48 train).

I'm probably going to attempt the Triple Bolster trucks in resin. I'll post on here how it goes. I want to model them regardless. (No telling how much $$$ Walthers will want for theirs...assuming that they'll sell them separately).

I don't know whether you are an expert on the train or not, but I'll share the consist here since I'm sure that others would enjoy it:
4 total train sets...
4 Baggage-Mail, #5020ish
4 Club-Lounge-Dormitory, Inn Series
44 Sleepers: 17-1 (City, 10), 10-5 (Cascade, 12), 4-4-2 (Imperial, 14), and 13 (County, 8)
6 Diners, #680ish
4 Buffet-Lounge, Island series...the round end cars.
I'd guess that it was typically a 12-13 car train.

I also just noticed that there were actually more 4-4-2s added in '39-'40...with the trucks that ECW has included in their kit!

By contrast, the PRR was "cheap" when it came to the '38 Broadway...only one streamlined K-4 for publicity photos, re-furbished diners, and a few other shortcuts...while the Century was 100% new (of course, the PRR had just finished dumping a fortune into its Electrification projects).


Edit: good catch Wayne! I'll check those out. I'm inclined to generally steer clear of Brass car sides for the price ($60 for some, $30 for others) I'll probably modify those MDC trucks instead if I can find them...if the wheelbase is correct!
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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