The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Thanks guys on the white water thought it was something like that.

Evening all not a lot going on now. Been a very quiet day did goto the store for a couple of items but other than that its been relaxing day even laid down and took a nap as wife was doing the same and of coarse our one cat Smokey has to sleep between us when where in bed he takes like 1/2 my pillow and lays between us with head on pillow like a human lol. He's the only cat I have ever had that can lay my head on and he will let me sleep that way using him as a pillow he just starts purring when I do it. He knows he's special to me. He was wild and I caught him and brought him into the house. I have one of his 1/2 sisters also shes a trip.

No train related Items got done today just didn't have the energy and we had a thunder storm around 2 P.M.
Have DR appointment tomorrow at 11am oboy what a way to ruin a day lol by time I get done day will be shot. Oh well need to go see him need refills for some of my drugs

Hope all had a good day talk to you all later
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